Pahquioque Rod & Gun Club

Wooster Mountain Shooting Range, Danbury Connecticut
Established 1899
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Established in 1899, Pahquioque Rod & Gun Club is one of the oldest trap shooting clubs in America. A rustic club house with a century old stone fireplace located on the grounds of Wooster Mountain Shooting Range is home to the club’s public and private shooting events. We have four modern trap fields and 5 stand. Registered ATA events in June, August and October as well as a member’s only Winter League that runs from December to April.
Pahquioque is open to the public on Tuesdays, year round, weather permitting from 10:00am until 7pm or sunset, whichever comes 1st. 
Click on "Public Shooting" tab for info.
Pahquioque promotes the enjoyment of safe, proficient shooting. Membership is by invitation only.

**Tuesday Feb 11, Trap open, 5 stand closed due to field conditions **